The favorite sports apps of well-known athletes: Cyriel Dessers and Pieter Buist

Favorite sports apps of famous athletes...

Almost everyone wants to exercise more, but how you go about that? In this short series explain to athletes how they get fit with the help of their smartphone. Goaltjesdief Cyriel Dessers and fighting spirit Pieter Buist stairs.

Favorite sports apps of famous athletes

January is the month of good intentions. A lot of people want healthier food and exercise more. To give you a nudge in the back to tell well-known athletes how their fitness regime looks like, and how their smartphone this helps. This time tell Cyriel Dessers, striker at FC Utrecht, and Pieter Buist, world champion MMA, about their favorite sport apps.

Cyriel Dessers’ favorite sports app: Runtastic

“If I go running, I use Runtastic’, so says William. “It’s just a good app and it is especially nice to see how many of your Facebook friends this past week have walked.’ During the regular training sessions of FC Utrecht is Cyriel monitored with gps sensors and heart rate monitors.

“In this way our trainers the load on our bodies in the holes.’ As soon as someone in the risk zone, and the risk of overtraining occurs, the program will be adjusted. Because Cyriel on weekdays already at the club trains, he does in his free time, in principle, not to the bin. This changes as soon as the holiday dawns.

“During the two rest periods, between christmas & new year and in the summer, is a loopprogramma imposed. We also get a Polar sports watch of the club, which statistics redirects to the app on your phone.’

In addition, Cyriel during the summer, on its own initiative to the abdominal muscles. “As the summer comes into view, we use with the boys themselves, the app 6 Pack Abs Workout’ by Adrian James.’

An other app was a lot less well appreciated by Cyriel. ‘I used to have RunKeeper while running, but there, I had too often problems with it. This app fell out sometimes or recorded the mileage is not good.’

And how is Cyriels good intentions? ‘At this moment I have an injury, so my goal is to fine the of to return. In the second of 2019, I want to show me, and I hope a lot of goals to score”, concluded the striker.

→ Download Runtastic on the Play Store (free)
→ Download 6 Pack Abs Workout in the Play Store (2.79 euros)

Stay on top of Cyriel by him on Instagram and Twitter to follow!

Pieter Buist’s favorite sport-app: Fitbit

“I’m a little oldschool in the field of training, but use for a number of years, however, the Fitbit Surge,” says MMA’Pieter Buist. “This watch keeps all kinds of statistics and sends these to the app on my phone. My strength and condition trainer can these figures see.’

MMA is a sport in which different martial arts (such as wrestling, boxing and jujitsu) are combined and therefore trains Pieter usually with others. Individual training consists of running in combination with various obstacles, such as benches jumping and up and down hills running. This is similar in intensity to compare with wedstrijdtempo.

Also depends Pieter, Fitbit-use in any phase of his training camp. “Especially during the beginning and end of a match preparation I use the watch”, explains the champion. ‘Towards the end of a training camp do I need pounds to put on weight.”

Read also: Fitbit Charge 3 review: small changes make big difference

‘During this phase I try my heart rate at a certain level to keep, making I a maximum combustion get. As soon as I was above or below this pace, threatening to hit starts the Fitbit to beep and vibrate. So I know I was a step, or just back to switch.’

The tricky thing to a Fitbit takes Peter a few months before you have reliable statistics about your fitness regime. Thankfully, his strength and condition trainer along with a bunch of other fighters, so he have a lot of figures in possession. ‘On the basis of this data, he can see what heart rate I need to achieve to get the maximum out of my training, ” says Pieter.

Last year knew Pieter seize the lichtgewichtstitel of World Fighting League. Although he still will not know anything is allowed to make, reveals that there is soon news comes out about what organisation he has signed.

‘The goal is then to complete within one year the top five within to storms. The following year, but preferably earlier, I want the title in the wait drag. However, I want people who buy a ticket to entertain and inspire, ” concludes Pieter.

→ Download the Fitbit app in the Play Store (free)

Stay on the height of Peter by following him on Instagram and Twitter!

21 January 2019, 23:40 | Views: 477

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