Chromecast-tips-week 52: the best of Videoland, NPO and Spotify

Chromecast-tips-week 52: a Sense of Tumour and Crook...

A Chromecast is useful, but what to look or listen you? With our weekly tips, we recommend you films, series, podcasts and more on to stream. In our Chromecast tips of the week 52, among other Feeling for Tumor and Crook.

Chromecast-tips-week 52: a Sense of Tumour and Crook

With a Chromecast in your tv or a Chromecast Audio in your speaker watch and listen your media from your smartphone, in better quality. That is useful, but you have to know what you need to look and listen. In addition to our monthly Netflix-tips we have, therefore, also a weekly, Chromecast-tips. Herein we give some of the current look – and luistertips, both free and paid services.

1. Watching: Sense of Tumor (NPO)

This well-made series is about Tristin Devriendt. He is a 25-year-old medical student who is himself patient is. That while he likes his studies and sports with his friends continues. The series follows not only Tristan, but also his family, including his parents who have a difficult time in their relationship.

Sense of Tumor you look through the NPO website or NPO Start-app, available from the link below in the Play Store.

→ Download NPO Start in Google Play (free)

2. Listen: The Gap (podcast)

The Gorge is an interesting podcast from the VPRO. The short radio plays (they call it ‘dramatic, literary podcasts’) in which the listener is moving in another. Is that different though as you expected? Let yourself be surprised by this finely-crafted episodes.

The podcast you can find in our favorite podcast app, Pocket Casts via this link. This app can be found through the link below in the Play Store.

→ Download Pocket Casts in the Google Play (2,99€)

3. Look: I’m leaving christmas (NPO)

I’m leaving this year a two-part christmas. Herein are well-known participants in the program visited by a camera crew. But not just because there are loved ones taken to the people an unforgettable christmas experience. That has two beautiful hours of television.

I leave you look through the NPO website or NPO Start-app, available from the link below in the Play Store.

→ Download NPO Start in Google Play (free)

4. Listen: Rascal – 93 (Spotify)

Before Crook with a new album, he brings first EP. That means it is a smaller collection of numbers. This time it works, the rapper along with Sevn Alias, Young Ellens and JoeyAK.

Find 93 of the Thief on Spotify.

→ Download Spotify in Google Play (free)

5. All You Need is Love christmas 2018 (Videoland)

The All You Need is Love christmas is an annual event where many a television viewer is looking. Robert ten Brink brings together loved ones from all over the world to each other so that they the holidays with each other can experience. Just a game of whine, if you the episode you missed.

All You Need is Love, you can look through the app of Videoland. That app can be found through the link below in the Play Store.

→ Download Videoland in Google Play (free)

Also, Check out our Netflix-tips-december with, among other Elseworlds, Lego and Fantastic Beasts.

Read also our previous Chromecast-tips Chromecast-tips-week 51: the best of NPO, Videoland and Spotify (20-12) Chromecast-tips-week 50: the best of YouTube, NPO and Videoland (12-12) Chromecast-tips-week 49: the best of Videoland, YouTube, and Ziggo (6-12) Chromecast-tips-week 48: the best of NPO, Play Movies and Spotify (27-11) Chromecast-tips-week 47: the best of YouTube, NPO and Spotify (20-11)

28 December 2018, 22:35 | Views: 227

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