7 apps that will help you build your brand reputation

The general perception that the public has for a brand is termed as brand reputation

The way people see a brand is a crucial aspect which can significantly impact a brand’s business. Being able to know what people think about your brand or the way it is received across airgs different forums provides an understanding of your brand’s position. It gives businesses some idea about the necessary steps required to ensure greater user satisfaction.


Having search engines like Google at their disposal, customers are now able to search commodities and services online without the need to visit stores. Positive results boost a brand’s reputation and encourage customers to become loyal consumers to the brand, however, negative findings can erase all the hard work. 

The prevalence of social media has also proved to be both a blessing and a curse for brands. On one hand, it allows them to launch products, benefit from the seasonal trends and engage with customers on a personal level. On the other hand, it empowers individuals to destroy a brand’s reputation with their reviews and feedbacks.

The content uploaded by Domino’s employees on YouTube serves as an example of how a compromise on the reputation can hit a company. Executives hoped that the controversy would die down and so they did little to rectify the matter which led followers to suspect whether Dominos was really doing anything. This further led to consumer distrust and ruined the brand’s reputation.

The damage the brands’ reputation in the above instances could have been minimized, had they practiced proper brand reputation management. In this article, we present some tools that will prove effective in building and maintaining your brand’s value. Some of them are just monitoring and alert apps while others have functions of removing, assigning, and automating tasks to the team and contributing to the brand’s value. Here we go.


The Talkwalker tool allows you to monitor your social media presence in real time and track what is being said about your brand over a period of seven days. It allows you to maintain your brand’s reputation and identify sentiments towards your brand across the major social media channels including blogs and review forums. The alert tool also gives you an idea about the content that is driving social discussion about your brand and notifies you when your keyword pops up on the internet.


Image Raider is a simple reputation management tool that prevents the misuse of your brand’s images. You simply upload an image to the tool, and it will look for all the uses of the image across different forums through the reverse image search. You can also receive alerts when your brand images are used and ensure that the images do not compromise on the reputation of the brand.


Smart Moderation provides an effective solution to safeguarding the brand’s reputation by detecting illegal and inappropriate comments, spam, trolls and erasing them in real time. It lets you address all the negative reviews and monitors all the comments for poor brand mentions, inappropriate responses, and credibility ticks across different platforms. 

Smart Moderation app provides your brand complete online safety and removes any brand damaging content posted against your brand by bad actors.


86 percent of people will hesitate to trade with a business that has negative consumer reviews online, so its impact on crafting your brand’s value is huge. You need tools to better monitor reviews about your brand across different social platforms. ReviewTrackers allows you to monitor customers’ reviews across eighty different sites. It collects all the reviews and allows you to manage your brand’s online reputation from a single dashboard effectively.

ReviewTrackers also emails you report that lets you respond to negative reviews which may prove harmful for the brand’s value. Another useful feature of ReviewTrackers is that it monitors and notes the pattern of customer’s feedback so you are in a better position to see what concerns your customer the most about the brand. Along with this, you can also use the AirG reviews app to get positive feedback about your brand.


Accelerating growth with user-generated content is the holy grail of every brand and marketer. While most of the tools focus on monitoring your brand’s reputation, Yotpo gives you an opportunity to build a brand’s value by encouraging customers to review your products or services in a positive light. 

Yotpo Lite, which is a free version of Yotpo, automatically sends out review requests to customers after a purchase. It also allows you to reach out to customers for reviews via mail. The premium version provides you with more options to better customize the reviews from customers.


With BirdEye, you will receive comments alerts that will allow you to handle them before they spread. It is a platform that helps you to succeed. It offers features like customer surveys and competitor analysis and allows you to turn them into your marketing engine.


We all know that social media and brand reputation go hand in hand. Your social media profiles are the most visible access points for your business along with your business website. 

Buffer comes in handy when you do not have time and budget to hire a team who would send and manage posts to all your social media platforms. It allows you to schedule and send posts about your brand to all the platforms from one place. It helps you to reach your audience at the appropriate time and as the word spreads, your brand’s reputation improves.


These seven tools will help you build your brand reputation and ensure it is seen in a better light by more people. 

However, there is no one tool, app or software that can solve all your problems of negative comments, reviews, and inappropriate mentions. Building a brand’s reputation is a long-term endeavor and you are required to combine resources from diverse tools to succeed.

30 December 2023, 20:29 | Views: 346

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